And the winner is for us personally: instructions from How To Electronics, Scott W. Harden PhD., smartlive-net & Mostly Chris etc. which show us how to build a physiological multi-sensor device based on InfluxDB – a real ADS1299 killer

After many years with negative experiences with the ADS1299 chip from Texas Instruments, Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.rog

made again negative experiences with this chip. Completely different is the situation with InfluxDB. With the instructions form How To Electronics, smartlive-net & mostly chris and others we can see how to build a physiological multi-sensor device based on InfuxDB:

We made negative experiences with the ADS1299 concerning :

  • hardly any new developments
  • eventually violation of competition laws with EEG devices up to 50 000 USD:

  • Several new products came onto the market such as OpenBCI on eBay and Aliexpress, PiEEG as well as papers from China with the BEATS device with 32 channels.
  • But none of these products is convincing for us personally to take it over for our projects.
  • Many of these devices seem to have issues, they are only little developed, and it seems as these projects have been been given up.
  • Furthermore we experiences insane price increased of products based on the ADS1299, as for instance an Aliexpress 32 channel EEG board with the ADS1299 was increased in price from around 700 USD to 5 263 USD recently:

  • Furthermore we did not find a community who would develop these products further together with at the level of developers at the university level.
  • On the other hand, instructions for devices based on InfluxDB have become simpler, as the instructions show we have put together.
  • Costs for a 32 channel EEG device based on InfluxDB are estimated around 700 USD. This remained stable over the last view years, or even dropped slightly.

We think if we are interested on the long-term in physiological multi-sensor devices, it is worth to use an architecture which is based on InfluxDB as soon as possible, to avoid frustrations with the ADS1299 from Texas Instruments. And we suggest also to avoid YouTube.

Many of the devices presented there seem to be outdated concepts given up by developers at the university level. And we invite you to go to an open access university library to get info for your projects: