100. What can we do with a Raspberry Pi with Ant+stick?

  1. on June 19, 2014, Johannes Bader, former PhD student from ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich:


wrote a blog

  1. «Track Your Heartrate on Raspberry Pi with Ant+»:


but what can we do with a Raspberry Pi with Ant+? Johannes Bader focused on getting the ANT+ stick to run on Raspberry Pi. The only software Johannes Bader published in this context which I could find is a script which illustrates heart rate capturing with Ant+:


2. Darren Hague PhD, ANT+ Virtual Power Meter (runs on Rasperri PI, Ubuntu and Windows)

Darren Hague developed a project over the holidays to use Python with a Raspberry Pi and ANT+ stick to read bicycle speed and write bicycle power. You should be able to use it as a template to read HR data by reading the ANT+ HR profile spec and adapting the SpeedCadenceSensorRx.py code to suit.


3. Reto Rölli controls a cooling fan automatically over MQTT, depending on the power on the reel:

4. Dan Grant uses the python ant+ library on a raspberry pi to make an analogue hrm gauge:


5. Clive Jeffery implemented ANT+ Cycling Training on a Raspberry Pi and on Ubuntu 20.04


6. What is legal to do with a Raspberry Pi and an Ant+ stick?


Peter Gamma 1.5.2021

7. Is an ANT+ evaluation agreement sufficient for a scientific study?


Peter Gamma 4.5.211.

8. Data protection of Reto Rölli Rasperri ANT+

9. compare Licence for the Adafruit clue Pyloton open source bike computer to licensing for ANT+ projects:


Peter Gamma 17.5.2021

10. Alternative to Rasperri ANT+ projects: Porting Pyloton BLE Cycling Computer software to a Rasperri PI

«The Pyloton is based on CircuitPython and it uses libraries that for the most part would work with a Raspberry Pi. I would not recommend that particular project be done on a Pi as it is such a nice fit for the CLUE. If you really wanted to experiment with parts of it you can see how far you can go with loading the libraries or samples of code. Most of our projects are much less involved and move easily between embedded controllers and embedded computers.»

source Adafruit support forum:


Peter Gamma 17.5.2021

11. There is already a Rasperri PI BLE project available from Clinton Freeman, software engineer:


Peter Gamma 17.5.2021

12. About Reto Röllins Rasperri ANT+ data protection:

Reto Rölli writes in his blog:

«For me, the Raspberry Pi Ant + is a pure hobby story and should stay that way. At the moment I’m not developing the Raspberry Pi Ant + any further, because I use the Home Assistant to get the data I need to control the fan and the LED strip directly from Zwift.»

«The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to the operator of this website or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of all files.

Whoever commits a copyright infringement without the consent of the respective rights holder can make himself liable to prosecution and possibly liable for damages.«

I was suprised by his data protection site, which I saw only now. Part of Reto Röllin s project reminds of the blog of or Andreas Bader: «Track Your Heartrate on Raspberry Pi with Ant+»:


Reto Röllin wrote me, that he does not know Andreas Baders project. I could not find a data protection site on Andreas Baders blog.

Reto Röllin writes at the end of his code example «quick and dirty». What did he mean by “quick and dirty? I am confused.

Peter Gamma 17.5.2021

13. Alternative source for script with a Rasperrri PI which sends sensor data to an MQTT broker:

“Raspberry Pi running a Python app that reads data from a couple of sensors then publishes their readings to an MQTT broker”


but I don’t know anything about the legal situation of this example.

Peter Gamma 17.5.2021

14. Alternative source for autostart and power than Reto Röllins Rasperri ANT+ script:

Calculated power and autostart of Reto Röllins Rasperri ANT+ script reminds of the script of

Darren Hague s ANT+ Virtual Power Meter:


Darren Hague s ANT+ Virtual Power Meter can be modified for other purposes, for instance heart rate:


and seems to have a community which is alive:


Peter Gamma 18.5.2021

15. Rasperri ANT+ script which sends sensor data to an MQTT broker (independent from Reto Röllin s blog):

a detailed instruction for a radio communication between Raspberry Pi and MQTT broker can be found here:

Therefore all information is available for a Rasperri ANT+ script which sends sensor data to an MQTT broker which is independent from Reto Röllin s blog.


Peter Gamma 18.5.2021

16. Ant+ Weight Scale MQTT Publisher

Frank Tkalcevic, Melbourne, Australia, based on the work of Johannes Bader, PhD:


licence of Ant+ Weight Scale MQTT Publisher:


Peter Gamma 21.5.2021