Live-stream from EEG devices

I reviewed options for a live-stream from a Muse headband or other affordable EEG devices on my Github page:

1. If there is still a trouble for instance with the Rasperri P4, you can buy a Muse 1 headband on ebay, get the Muse SDK from Interaxon, and get support from LabStreamingLayer:

2. A second option is the Mind Monitor app from James Clutterbuck, which has Python OSC Samples:

the Mind Monitor app is an android app, but is should be possible to run it on a Rasperri PI:

If someone has a long-term interest in a stable eeg stream from a Muse headband 2, it should be possible to add an LSL or MQTT interface to the OSC interface of the Mind Monitor app. This needs some coding. Maybe Mind Monitor app developer James Clutterbuck can help:

I can highly recommend James Clutterbuck and the Mind Monitor forum. He knows all (or many) muse head bands inside out.

Peter Gamma 7.5.2021

Keep in mind, that the risk is high, if you buy a Muse 1 headband on ebay, that the battery is dead and needs a replacement (personal communcation James Clutterbuck, Mind Monitor).

Peter Gamma 9.5.2021