32 channel EEG EPOC Flex

I could not find an example with 32 channel physiological data from HackEEG:

I could not find anyone except from Adam Feuer who confirms that he uses HackEEG at all (leave a comment if you use HackEEG).

an alternative with 32 channel EEG is EPOC Flex:


There is a demo how to use EPOC Flex in South Corea:

it requires Emotiv Pro software:


Emotiv Pro software has LabStreamingLayer support:


Third party software options:


«The company Emotiv is very much against allowing people to directly access their hardware, so the best advice is to move to other equipment as soon as you can».


Components also sold separately:

EPOC Flex Control Box is $1,199.00

which can upgrade an existing EEG cap, for instance a

1.3.22 19:41

EMOTIV has a community forum and a knowledge base:


  • Advantages of HackEEG: does not need a software licence with a monthly or yearly fee, can be connected to an old, old version of OpenBCI which is free.
  • There is a 32 channel board on Aliexpress (see this blog) which costs almost as much as the Emotiv Flex Control box. A 16 channel version of the board has been connected to OpenBCI by a group who wrote a paper about the board (see this blog EEG devices).