Tianjin University: thought-controlled typing

Bennie Deng at Greentek sent Krisztián Hofstädter a tutorial showing you how to install the electrodes and how to prepare the scalp to get a low impedance:

Krisztián publishes the video in the OpenBCI forum.The guys from Greentek in the video look spellbound at the screen, as if they wanted to say. «Now, whe have got our brainwaves on the screen, but what shall we do with it?»

Tianjin University is already a step further. They developed a software which makes thought-controlled typing a reality:

Did they steal the algorithm from «Sentdex»?

Is it possibe to develop an algorithm which helps a meditator to stop think and to overcome his negative emotions?

No, the Software seems to be from MindAffect

added 4.7.201