Sleep: An Open-Source Python Software for Visualization, Analysis, and Staging of Sleep Data
Mind Monitor Python OSC Examples:
Sleep Monitor based on Mind Monitor?
Unfortunately, there is no Muse SDK available anymore, to develop a Sleep Monitor App.
OpenBCI and Python:
sentdex is a great programmer with a great OpenBCI setup. Ask him on his Youtube channel to code a great Sleep Monitor, which the world is missing:
Unfortunaly, I failed. Maybe someone else has more luck with sentdex than me.
7.3.22 15:33
The Dreem 2 sleep headband is not available anymore on the market. It can be bought on ebay for up to 1000 USD. The Dreem 3 ist out, but it is not available for the general public anymore, but only for a selected group of people, for instance scientists (with a lot of money), request a quote.
But which scientists want a research device which cannot be used by the general public?
Looking for an alternative, I found the Sleep Python Software.
Does it work with OpenBCI? Can .csv data from OpenBCI be processed by the Sleep Python Software? Has someone experience with this software?