How to become happy?

Read the books written by Matthieu Ricard, PhD.:

Buddhist monk with a PhD. in cellular genetics:

1. Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

Was Matthieu Ricard the winner of the first world championship in practicing meditation, which was carried out in a scientific laboratory? Did he reach the highest Gamma wave values in the left prefontal lobe ever measured in humans during practicing meditation? I could not find the ranking. No, no I am only joking. The world championship in practicing meditation never happened, but it would be highly desirable. Matthieu Ricard was given the title of the happiest man in the world by an English newspaper. He published his book “Happiness” soon after he participated in the scientific studies of Richard Davidsons group. The XIV. Dalai Lama advised Mathieu Ricard to write a book about secular meditation, which this book is.

2. Meditate – how does it work?

Matthieu Ricard was asked for a practical instruction how to meditate. His book “Meditation” is based on original texts he translated. Matthieu Ricard defines himself not as a spiritual teacher, but as humanitarian, author, photographer and french translator of the Dalai Lama. Several of his books became best sellers.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

who was spiritual teacher of the XIV. Dalai Lama, Matthieu Ricard, Soygal Rinpoche and Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and many others did a meditation retreat of 13 years, where he learned from spiritual teachings. After these 13 years, he was so happy in is solitary retreat, that he wished to stay in retreat for the rest of his life. Is there a better testimony to the effectiveness of these teachings?

But Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoches teacher Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro answered to Dilgo: “The time has come for you to teach and transmit to others the precious teachings you have received”.

added 5.7.2021