90.02 Research & medical grade ECG devices which some of those were used to study the accuracy of consumer grade HRMs in different papers

  • For resarch applications, at least 16 bit A/D conversion is recommended (personal communication PLUX wireless biosignals S.A.) . Some of the ECG devices in the following table have a lower sampling rate than 16 bit.
  • 3 lead ECG is gold standard for heart rate measurement: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6732081/
Reference deviceHardwareSoftwareSampling RateChannels
LeadsElectrodesnoise & movement
artifact free
Scientific paperCosts
1g.tecg.Nautilus multipurpose device243 where used in the paper
(up to 64)
3 Motion artifacts can be minimized using active electrodes ( very expensive (*3))[90.8.6]32 channel device 54`178 Euro (*1)
2g.tecg.Nautilus g.SAHARA
with 8 Ch.
g.Recorder Professional 2.655 Euro
(according to g.tec configurator)
2483 Motion artifacts can be minimized using active electrodes ( very expensive (*3))4.990
(according to g.tec configurator)
3QuintonStandard 3-leadsQ-tel RMS33[90.8.3]refurbished on ebay $6’990
4QuintonStandard 3-leadsQ-tel RMS33[90.8.5]refurbished on ebay
$ 6’990
5VyntusECGSentrySuite, only sold with
Ergospirometry system $40’000
Einthoven, Willson, Goldberger12[90.8.4]$ 7’500
6Embla TitaniumStandard clinical ECG2up to 12[90.8.1]
7Schiller Medilog AR12 Plus Holter Recorder GE Healthcare USAFire of Life1237only motion detection,
during exercise
8iWorx214iWorx ECG Toolbox
1622 leads can be recorded at the same timeArtifact removal based on activity(*4)new $2000,
refurbished $1000,
used on ebay $300
9iWorxTA 220iWorx ECG Toolbox
1633demo video shows 5Artifact removal based on activity(*5)used on ebay $1400
10EquivitalEQ 02+ LifemonitorEquivital
Black Ghost
10222?ECG noise reduction[90.8.2]
Equivital (*9)
EQ 02LabChart 8 Pro $ 7809 10 bit
for ECG;
12 bit for Accelerometer
yes (*2)

Starter Pack
$ 2701

12biosignalspluxExplorer Kit with
4-channel Bluetooth hub
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Add-on
1644custom filtering to improve significant motion artifacts€770,00
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Add-on
10 -12113custom filtering to improve significant motion artifactsSensors
validation paper
starting from $ 180
14AD8232 ECGComputer Sound Card,
Ubidots & MQTT, Home Assistant
with InfluxDB & Grafana & InfluxDB client for Python
computer sound card: 16
ESP 32: 10
ADS1115: 16
number can be increased by using multiple modules
and InfluxDB
number can be increased by using multiple modules
and InfluxDB
3$ 50
15biosignalspluxSolo OpenSignals
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Add-on
(*6)$ 375
16OpenBCIGanglion, CytonOpenBCI GUI,
LabStreamingLayer, OSC, Matlab, Python, BrainFlow
244-163-53-5(*7)OpenBCI 4-16 channels
$ 230 – 2000

(*1 ) Validation of Polar OH1 optical heart rate sensor for moderate and high intensity physical activities

(*2 ) https://m-cdn.adinstruments.com/brochures/ADINSTRUMENTS_EQUIVITAL_BROCHURE.pdf

(*3) https://petergamma.org/g-tec-medical-has-no-noise-and-movement-artifact-free-ecg/

(*4) https://iworx.com/products/data-recorders/ix-214-4-ch-data-recorder/?v=1ee0bf89c5d1

(*5) https://iworx.com/products/data-recorders/ix-ta-220-recorder-with-integrated-sensors/?v=1ee0bf89c5d1

(*6) https://petergamma.org/mindtecstore-biosignalsplux-solo-run-kit-for-research-sports-and-professional-users-such-as-doctors-and-scientists/

(*7) https://docs.openbci.com/GettingStarted/Biosensing-Setups/ECGSetup/

(*8) A technical Report of the US Army Research Institute of Medicine Environemental Medicine compared the accuracy of the Polar H10 chest to an Equivital LifeMonitor: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1154187.pdf

(*9) Adinstruments is partner of Equivital since 19 July 2016 for worldwide distribution of Equivital LifeMonitor with LabChart software.