90.3 Summary of the testing protocols of different studies

[90.8.1] Accuracy of Firstbeat Bodyguard 2 beat-to-beat heart rate monitor:

«Total testing time was 50 minutes, activities from rest to intensive exercise.

Rest sitting 4:00 min, lying on bed 6:00 min, Standing, 1:00 min, walking 3km/h – 0% inclination 3:00 min, walking 3km/h – 5% inclination 3:00 min, walking 3km/h – 10% inclination 3:00 min, walking 5km/h – 0% inclination 3:00 min, walking 5km/h – 5% inclination 3:00 min, walking 5km/h – 10% inclination 3:00 min, running 9km/h – 0% inclination 3 min, Running 11km/h – 0% inclination 3:00 min – rest sitting 6:00 min, cycling 60 rpm 3:00 min, cycling 90 rpm 3:00 min, Rest sitting 4:00 min.»

[90.8.2] Comparative Analysis of the Equivital EQ02 Lifemonitor with Holter Ambulatory ECG Device

«18 healthy participants wore, simultaneously for 24 h, the Holter and EQ02 monitors«

[90.8.3] Variable Accuracy of Wearable Heart Rate Monitors during Aerobic Exercise

«Fifty healthy adult volunteers completed exercise protocols on a treadmill, a stationary bicycle, and an elliptical trainer. For each exercise type, HR was recorded at rest, light, moderate, and vigorous intensity.»

Treadmill: 2 mph for 1.5 min, 3.5 mph for 1.5 min, 6 mph for 1.5 min

Stationary bicycle: 25 W for 1.5 min, 55 W for 1.5 min, 125 W for 1.5 min

Elliptical (without arm levers), Light for 1.5 min: crossramp = 1, resistance = 1, cadence = 60–

70 min−1, Moderate for 1.5 min: crossramp = 1, resistance = 5, cadence = 90–100 min−1,

Vigorous for 1.5 min: crossramp = 10, resistance = 10, cadence = 90–100 min−1

Elliptical (with arm levers), Light for 1.5 min: crossramp = 1, resistance = 1, cadence = 60–70

min−1, Moderate for 1.5 min: crossramp = 1, resistance = 5, cadence = 90–100 min−1,Vigorous

for 1.5 min: crossramp = 10, resistance = 10, cadence = 90–100 min−1

Because there are no standard workload settings for elliptical trainers, we identified three settings that were judged to represent light, moderate, and vigorous activity. Each subject spent 4.5 min at each of the four exercise stations and then rested for 2 min between different exercise stations; therefore, total exercise time was 18 min, and total time of each trial was 24 min.

[90.8.4] The Accuracy of Wrist-worn Heart Rate Monitors across a Range of Exercise Intensities

«Participants then completed a submaximal step protocol consisting of six to nine 3-minute stages, with power output increasing by 20 W at the start of each stage. The starting power output was selected by the investigator based on the reported training status of each participant, to enable the completion of a minimum of five and a maximum of nine stages before 85% HRmax was achieved. All participants completed a minimum of five stages. Mean HR during the final 60 s of each stage was obtained using HR analysis software. Following a five minute rest period, the participant performed a maximal ramp protocol on the cycle ergometer. The initial power output of the ramp test was the final power of sub-maximal test minus 30%, and was increased by 5 W at 15 s intervals. The test was terminated when the participant reached volitional exhaustion or cadence fell below 70 rpm. The Hrmax achieved during the test was obtained using the HR analysis software.»

[90.8.5] Accuracy of commercially available heart rate monitors in athletes: a prospective study

«Subjects were then asked to run at the following levels (in mph) on the treadmill: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 at zero incline (6.44, 8.05, 9.66, 11.27, 12.87 and 14.48 km/h) . Subjects were asked to run for at least 2 min at each of these speeds. «

[90.8.6] Validation of Polar OH1 optical heart rate sensor for moderate and high intensity physical activities

“During the treadmill activity, three different speed levels of 4, 5 and 5.5 km/h were used. Participants were instructed to maintain each speed for 3 minutes.”

«Total duration is 44–60 minutes»

[90.10.1] RR interval signal quality of a heart rate monitor and an ECG Holter at rest and during exercise

«Each activity lasted 5 min, with a 60 s break in between:

(1) sitting in a chair and reading

(2) wiping the floor with a mop and hanging out the laundry at a self-guided order and pace

(3) normal walking on a treadmill at 5.5 km/h

(4) jogging on a treadmill at 11 km/h

(5) A strength training circuit off five aligned 60 s cycles with 45 s workouts and 15 s rests, including

squats, shoulder shrugs, bicep curls with a dumbbell in each hand (4.5 ± 1.6 kg), lunges, and situps.


  • All papers use different testing protocols
  • It would be highly desirable that all papers use standard protocols to be able to compare the data of different papers
  • [90.10.1] uses a protocol according to international standards
  • The protocol of [90.10.1] could eventually be used as a standard protocol for future studies
  • It would be highly desirable to have a standard reference device for all studies, which is optimized for accuracy, as proposed here: