Does Our Intelligence Grow While Practicing Meditation?

Meditation Researcher Osho (only a joke) answers the question:


«With ordinary people, growth of intelligence stops at 14, growth of intelligence is stuck at this age.

The mental age stucks at fourteen.

This can be changed and should be changed.

The change will only come when you have some goals beyond biology,

if your life remains concerned only with sex children, family, food, house, then there is no need.

That much intelligence is enough.

But if your interest is that of an Albert Einstein,

then your intelligence starts moving.

Intelligence depends on what you are doing with it.

The person who is meditating,

he has the greatest possibility of reaching the highest peaks of intelligence.

Because in meditation he is doing the greatest possible work

that a man is capable of and that is realizing oneself.

if you are a mediators your meditation goes on,

you are becoming more and more luminous,

your intelligence will be growing to the last breath of your life.

Intelligence is the quality of awareness. The more aware, more intelligent.

If you are totally aware you are as intelligent as the whole existence is.»

OSHOs statements need to be verified. From OSHO we do not know how long he was meditating daily. It is only known that he spent every day two hours in the bathtub.