TENOCOM: Neuroprep, Ten20, GREENTEK SENSORS: GT5 & GT20, Which Products to Choose?

Tenocom uses:

– Desinfectant

– Neuroprep to clean the skin

-Ten20 conductive paste to put under the electrodes


Greentek Sensors uses:

– Greentec GT20 (= Ten20 ?) medical conductive paste

– Greenteck GT5 medical conductive paste, skin abrade and conductive gel in one for skin preparation with syringe and needle and blunt needle

– the synergy betwwen G20 and GT5 enables the impedance to fall below 5k within seconds

– used for long-term EEG monitoring

According to these tutorials, the mounting of Greentek caps seems to take lesser time than the mounting of Tenocom caps. We are looking forward to new EEG cap Youtube video tutorials to find out who is the winner.