Which Research Institutions Own an Equivital Device?

According to the papers which we studied, these institutes have an Equivital monitor:

– United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

with the paper:


and the:

– Department of Internal Medicine, Section Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands & the Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands

with the paper:


  • It is highly desirable that research institutes which spend more than 10 000 USD for an Equivital also care about having the knowledge to use these devices in an optimal way, so that the accuracy of these devices can be optimized.
  • As far as we know, the Adinstruments Equivital is currently the only device which is sold as noise and ECG motion artifact free, but there is no study available, which proves this statement of Adinstruments in a convincing way. Further tests should be performed with this device to find out about this..

There are more papers on Google Scolar where an Equivital device is used:


  • Adinstruments has for several devices a list of papers in which the device was used, but we could not find a list of papers for the Adinstruments Equivital.

Both institute which we mentioned who use an Equitvital, did not mention Adisntruments and LabChart software in their papers. Noise and movment artifact-free is eventlually only the device from Adinstruments with the LabChart software: