Use Active Electrodes to Reduce ECG Motion Artifacts

The g.tec support told us, about ECG Motion Artifacts:

«Unfortunately, we know of no manufacturer who can manage that.We can minimize them. In our particular case, we can use active electrodes. But that system is then very expensive, and for large or intense movements you will still have some artifacts, or baseline fluctuation».

This Youtube video explains, what active electrodes are:

Here is a study about wet, dry, active and passive electrodes from Brain Support. What are they, and what to choose?

The Conclusion of the Study:

«Like everything in life, there is no perfect choice of electrodes for all cases. Instead, the needs of the research and experiment should be analyzed in detail, in order to carefully define the set of electrodes that will be used».

Next to g.tec, als Biopac offers active electrodes. But the active electrodes shown here are for multiple-channel surface EMG (sEMG) measurements: