Milarepa was looking for the end of his suffering. And he asked Marpa the translator for a teaching for this:
As Matthieu Ricard, Marpa was a translator, and answered:
This teaching has not been given.
So they had to find the teaching from a Guru in India.
And similar is the situation with Peter Gamma from

Peter goes to his psychotherapist to find an end of his suffering:

But his psychotherapist said to him:
„You where so long in psychotherapy. The change to get you back to a job is low. You don t have to come here anymore“.
But Peter continued to visit his psychotherapist.
And then he basically stopped talking to Peter.
So Peter has to find the end of his suffering somewhere else. He found teachings of Indian Gurus as well as Milarepa. But unfortunately, these teachings are not yet scientifically validated. But Peter is a trained neuroscientist, and teachings which are not based on scientific findings are not really satisfying for a scientist. So what to do know?
Keep up, and you will kept up
was one of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. And Peter shares the fait of Milarepa and retreat in his cave to meditate: