Why was the OpenBCI Galea sold for 25 000 USD – to get rid of this device?

Wasn t the Galea been sold according to the logic:

16 EEG channels: 25 000 USD:

g.Nautilus Multi-Purpose EEG Headset 32 channels: 50 000 USD

But who buys these devices for this prize?

So are the only EEG devices which sell up to 50 000 USD.

The Muse headband

Which was some years ago entitled as the best-selling EEG device in the world.


Does not sell OpenBCI up to 16 channels relatively good as well? We saw some time ago the sales rate of these devices which seem to be quiet good worldwide. And as you can see on the OpenBCI forum, it is a forum which is alive. Almost every day people ask questions. But the OpenBCI forum seems not to be a developers forum, but a beginners forum. Since are there any long-term participators in the OpenBCI forum discussion you know?

If you know such, write those it in the comments below.

Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

starts this list:

  • William Croft
  • retiutut alias Richard Waltman
  • but who else?