What did the Saint Milarepa, the Saint Niklaus von Flue, the Saint Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche & Ajahn Chah eat?

The Saint Milarepa from Tibet is said to have eaten only needles:

The Saint Niklaus von Flue from Switzerland is said to have lived for 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host:

Family members brought the Saint Dilgo Kihenze Rhinoche from Tibet food when we was meditating in solitary retreat

From the age of fifteen until he was twenty-eight, he spent his time meditating in silent retreat, living in isolated hermitages and caves, or sometimes simply under the shelter of overhanging rocks in the mountainous countryside. And family members brought him food when we was meditating there:

We found this somewhere in reports about Dilgo Kihenze Rhinoche in the web.

but then …

When he told his teacher that he wanted to spend the rest of his life in solitary retreats, Chokyi Lodro answered, “The time has come for you to teach and transmit to others the precious teachings you have received.”

Ajahn Chah

Ajahn Chahs monks where not allowed to have money nor grow their own food. They where only allowed to receive food from the villages.