Wasn it Diego Hangartner who hung up a poster of a talk of Matthieu Ricard in front of the Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center at the Swiss Federal Insittute of Technology in Zurich Honggerberg?
Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org saw this poster there and became interested in Matthieu Ricard through this video:
As a consequence, Peter Gamma founded the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS):

With basically no success up to the present day.
But what does Diego Diego Hangartner, pharmacologist educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 20 years later?
To sell his courses at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich?
And what happened in the meditation research project in Switzerland next to that? Neuroscientist Alex Gamma has publihed a PLOS one paper:
The Minimal Phenomenal Experience questionnaire (MPE-92M): Towards a phenomenological profile of “pure awareness” experiences in meditators
Is this all what happened in Switzerland in the meditation research project during the last 20 years? And what is the future of this meditation research project?
Here is the winding answer of meditation researcher Arnaud Delorme about the future of the meditation research project:
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) is in eleventh place in the rankings of the universities in 2024. Is the ETH Zurich also a leader in the meditation research project in 2024?
Yes, it is. Lead scientist Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org

who also studied at the ETH Zurich is a leader in communicating that almost nothing ever seems to happen as far as meditation research is concerned in Switzerland.
And we say:
«here you have back all the crap you taught us during the last 20 years»

And we say say no to meditation research and say yes to spiritual teachers at the highest level:
And as long as no one has to offer such a meditation research projects which are sustainable, go to a university library as this one:
And avoid looking at posters Diego Hangartners hungs up in front of university libraries. Since who visits Diego s courses anyway?

And does Diego not remind of Swiss Comedian Emil Steinberger as well? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.