How can a thirteen year full-time meditation training be funded to become enlightened which is according to the Buddhist teachings equivalent to being completely mentally healthy?

Around thirteen years of full-time meditation training are required to become completely mentally – where are the medical doctors who teach this in Switzerland?

One of the „medical doctors“ who can teach this is Loten Dahortsang:

Loten Dahortsang was trained and educated at the Rikon Tibet Institute Monastry during 17 years. And he was privately funded. A problem which is attached to this how can such a training of 13 – 17 years be funded? But for someone who is treated by psychotherapy in Switzerland, and then after 13 years his psychotherapist says to him:

„I don t know a cure for you“

Is this knowledge not very helpful, this knowledge from India? And is a long-term meditation training of 13 years not also interesting for scientists? Much more than a training of 20 min a day? Daniel Goleman says in one of his interviews:

„There are people in India who do his (meditate) all the time. But we can t do this.“

And Richard R. Davidson entitles the long-term meditators as those at the far end, some kind of extreme outsiders. But on the other hand, aren t these outsiders not also the world-champions? And aren t the world champions not also the best in the world in their discipline? The ones who know the most about this topic? And also those who should be the most interesting for scientists?

Many of these questions are open. And one of the most difficult problems which is attached to this is the financing. And has this not also something to do with people who don t want to see the reality, and don t want to know about this topic?

For instance in Switzerland, the density of billionaires is very high:

People are rich, but are they also healthy and happy and holy?

We have the World Health Organization which deals with questions like that.

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for global public health. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland:

On the contrast, the Kundalini Yoga master Yogi Bhajan from India founded the 3HO Organization:

3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization), also known as Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere. Yogi Bhajan brought knowledge from India to the West. And his knowledge has been evolved over centuries and centuries. But Freud and Jung exist in Switzerland only since around 100 years. And is the knowledge from India in some respects not far ahead from the knowledge we have for instance in Switzerland and also in other western countries? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.