Peter Gamma from is a real Swiss. And the Swiss already decided in 1291 not to have a foreign governor in their country. And Peter decided 10 years ago, that he does not want to sync his data to Google Drive. And he did not find a satisfying solution over 10 years:
Are there people at Google who work all day so that their users have to sync all their data to Google Drive? Peter found a solution for his problem which is not very satisfying. And the next update of Android could eventually kill the solution again.
And is it not also scandalous that the Pinephone which can do anything
could not solve Peters problem, but only waisted his time?
How much easier is the with the Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi OS which has been developed over the last 10 years. It is time that Raspberry Pi increases the memory of the Raspberry Pi zero 2 w so that also Leepspsvideo KDE Plasma built 4 runs on it.
This would make out of the zero 2 w a single board computer which can do anything Peters heart desires.