Pema Wangyal, one of the view Meditation teachers who teaches in Switzerland

Last Updated on June 2, 2024 by

Meditation teacher Pema Wangyal from the Drukpazentrum Kollbrunn near Winterthur:

Pema Wangyals biography:

  • “I was born in Odisha in 1976.
  • During my childhood, I had the desire to become a monk from an early age and often told my mother: I wanted to enter a monastery.
  • At the age of nine, my mother allowed me to enter the local Buddhist monastery school Dudul Rabtenling.
  • When I was twelve, I moved to the Ralung Shedrupling monastery in Bhutan.
  • At the age of seventeen, I entered Thubten Sangag Choeling Monastery in Darjeeling, a training center of the Drukpa Kargyud tradition.
  • There I learned the classical Buddhist teachings, yogi teachings and practice, as well as the fundamentals of Buddhist philosophies and practices.
  • I have received the full teachings and initiations of the Drukpa lineage.
  • From 1999 until my departure to Switzerland in September 2006, I studied the Indian and Tibetan classics of Buddhist philosophy, Sanskrit and English at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, University of Varanasi.

From 2006 to 2022 I was the representative of the Kagyu School at the Tibet Institute Rikon and worked as a meditation master and yoga teacher for more than 16 years.

  • During my monastery work at the Tibet Institute Rikon, I studied elementary scientific knowledge for six years and sinology and psychology at the University of Zurich.
  • On February 15, 2023, I opened my Drukpa Kagyu Center in Kollbrunn for the benefit of everyone interested.