Big business meditation for rich people?

Last Updated on February 18, 2023 by

Practicing Zen meditation with animals filmed from drones flying trough the air:

Meditation teacher education in sunny Toscana in Italy by the Tibetan Loten Dahortsang who is always happy: (*1):

Is the same marketing agency responsible for this who wants to sell us Cody Rall MD personal EEG devices filmed from drones:

And is also the same advertising agency with the same business plan responsible for the 3-day online program with Jack Kornfield at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California for $1008 per guest?:

Is this the entire humanity one big community, as the Dalai Lama the 14. said? Or is this big business meditation for rich people?

(*1) We do not know, if Loten Dahortsang is always happy, but according to this source, Loten teaches meditation and Lu Jong Yoga in Buddhist centers in Europe and leads meditation retreats in the Rikon monastery in Switzerland: