Are there privately funded brain scan studies about the effect of meditation & if so, what do we know about those?

Last Updated on May 5, 2024 by

  • Did or does Scott W. Harden a brain scan study about meditation with a brain scanner which was privately funded? And if so, what do we know about it?
  • Scott W. Harden has published his curricum vitae. Peter Gamma from has summarized it here:

Then, Scott W. Harden has also published a video about a sound card ECG, which he has developed over the last 10 years:

Then we find pictures of Scott W. Harden in the web:

  • Aren’t there clearly changes in Scott W. Harden’s face from one picture to the other?
  • But what do we know more about this project, if there is really such a privately funded brain scan project of Scott W. Harden?
  • Here we have listed more projects which are eventually privately funded: