Are the brain waves of high-level meditators really that remarkable so that they become superhumans?

Last Updated on May 13, 2024 by

Daniel Goleman talks about this topic in this video:

  • These brain waves of high-level meditators which are remarkable so that he became superhumans could for instance be found in in the brain of Mingyour Rinpotche. But is he a superhuman? Richard R. Davidson explains this in video:
  • But are Mingyour Rinpotche’s brain waves really that remarkable which makes a super human out of him? And what about the brain waves from & Reto Rölli from
  • Is he not the same superhuman as Mingyour Rinpotche?
  • Does he not also have a high gamma wave activity in his brain as well?
  • How else coud Reto Rölli from report almost every weekend about what he experienced in nature when he went on a bike ride?

  • Does this not also make out of Reto Rölli from a superhuman as well?
  • And do the remarkable brain waves of high-level meditators which makes those to superhumans not primarily serve the sales rates of the books of:
  • Richard R. Davidson?
  • Daniel Goleman?
  • Matthieu Ricard?
  • Mingyour Rinpotche?
  • And for many other scientists these brain waves are not so those of superhumans?
  • And do we not better find about this in an open access university library as this one:

  • Than on YouTube?
  • What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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