Apple watches are the most accurate optical heart rate monitors – but are they validated for our application?

Last Updated on December 10, 2023 by

And if so are the validated Apple watches still available? Or is it better to choose a more recent Apple watch and write a new validation paper? Apple watches are to our knowledge currently the most accurate optical heart rate monitors which are available on the market.

They eventually could be used as an alternative to the firstbeat bodyguard. The body guard validation paper is only a white paper published on the firstbeat website:

We have a validation paper for the firstbeat bodyboard for resting, standing, walking activites .etc. The reference device in the validation paper was a Embla Titanium 2 lead ECG device:

and not a 3 lead ECG device which are the most accurate devices which are available. We have similar or better validation data for the Apple watch 1 and 3. But if we are looking for the best optical heart rate monitor which is currently available we can validate an Apple watch by ourselves in a scientific paper, following the example of Marco Altini who validated the Polar H7 chest strap for his specific application heart rate variablity with an ECG reference device:

together with other scientists from New Zealand such as Paul Rarsen, Adjunct Professor of Exercise Physiology, Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ):