Also Peter Gamma from is said to have a supernatural power as Jesus, Milarea & the Saint Niklaus von Flüe from Switzerland

Last Updated on September 5, 2024 by

Peter only rarely went into the kitchen of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) where a Spanish engineer sat all day who was eating and smoking:

Peter only ate some bread and soup every day. Then suddenly, the Spanish engineer who sat all day in the kitchen asked him:

„How can you survive with only that?“ He could not imagine how Peter could could survive with only eating bred and soup each day.

So Peter Gamma from has in that respect a super natural power.

No, no, Peter is only joking.

But is Peter in this respect not so far from the

  • the Saint Milarepa from Tibet who lived of nothing but nettles
  • and the Saint Niklaus von Flüe from Switzerland who lived for 20 years with nothing but water and the Eucharistic Host?:
  • And near to Jesus who walked over water and turned water into wine?
  • And also from Tibetan Monks who have paranormal abilities as well?:

And also the Dalai Lama the 14 th. He is said to have a supernatural. But the Dalai Lama himself says he has not magical powers: