Last Updated on February 19, 2025 by
There are advantages of billionaires to live in Switzerland:
But there are also advantages for biologists & neuroscientist to live in Switzerland.
Around 40 years ago, a physics teacher a high school in Switzerland gave a special class about molecular biology and immunology. Students in this class where:
Peter Gamma who later became the Director of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS)

And Daniel Hegglin who later on became the President of the Bartgeier foundation.

Both Daniel Hegglin and Peter Gamma later on studied biology at the university of Zurich. But Daniel Hegglin immediately started to attack genetic engineering at the high school which was was promoted there by the physics teacher.
And later on Daniel Hegglin studied wild life biology and Peter Gamma from started studying molecular biology at the university of Zurich. And there Peter was attacked again and again by people such as Daniel Hegglin. Until he got fed up by being attacked. And he left molecular biologists such as Isidro Ballard who later on killed himself in the molecular biology lab. And he became a neuroscientist after he started to visit a psychotherapist.
And then Peter became the Director of the Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS). And when we compare the situation in Switzerland for biologists and neuroscientists, we are asking:
Is the situation in Switzerland for those not much better than in France and in the United States?
The French biologist Matthieu Ricard wrote popular scientific books which are now criticized by Peter Gamma from
And the American neuroscientist Richard R. Davidson wrote popular scientific books about meditation and science, which are criticized by Peter Gamma from as well.
And no wonder people from the states immigrate to Switzerland because life quality is better here. And also people from France. And in spite of all the criticisms of Peter Gamma from about the social systems in Switzerland, is it not still miles ahead to the situation in France and in the States?
And that is why Peter is happy to life in Switzerland and is very happy about the social systems there. And he does not not regret for a single day to not to have followed Thomas Knöpfel to Hongkong, a topic which Peter also had discussed with his psychotherapist. Since Peter would have eventually been so unhappy in Honkong that he would have killed himself there.