Does the EEG device community need Derek Luke from Interaxon, James Clutterbuck from Mind Monitor & William Croft from OpenBCI?

Last Updated on March 18, 2023 by

Which universities and research institutes still use the Muse headband? For whom is it interesting to use this device for projects? The Muse headband has no SDK anymore. Who wants an Android app in the line of his developments? But still the Mind Monitor has one of the largest communities, and is supported. Are the students happy with this product?

The situation is similar for OpenBCI. OpenBCI has the reputation to be expensive. The arguments are that it is not possible to produce EEG modules at lower costs. This is wrong, and does only apply for modules manufactured in the US. Do students need supported EEG devices which costs a lot? The alternatives are EEG modules with are affordable and already on the market and are not supported.

In Switzerland we have open markets which are not regulated. The markets regulates themselves, for the benefit of customers. But what we experience with EEG devices in the last years is that there seem to be a lot of people who want to profit from EEG devices. But do we need these demo makers and supporters? Is it not for instance interesting for students to have affordable devices, a large community and a lot of Python toolboxes?

Interaxon says the Muse headband is the best selling EEG device on the market. This could change. As soon as he have an excellent community of open source hard and software EEG developers who beat the Muse headband.