Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by
Don t take the report on the last page too serious:
It is only a joke of Peter Gamma from, or rather a parody. But is a parody not that we exaggerate to make something clear? The parody on the last page reminds Peter Gamma from of a student he new at high school. This student did only what he had to do at school. And he once said to Peter, he was always scared to be thrown out of the high school. But he was not thrown out of the high school, which is in German the «Mittelschule». And he reveiced his matura diploma. And after he received his matura diploma which involved also 7 years courses in Latin there was a big party. And the student who was the son of a farmer came with a tractor and a trailer to the party.
And the trailer was full of cow dung. And he did the hole cow dung in front of the entrance of the high school.

And then he mounted a sign on it on which it was written:
«here you have back all the crap you taught us during 7 years»
And the parorody of Peter Gamma from about long-term psychotherapy in Switzerland
reminds us somehow of the high school student who then became a kinder garten teacher who as put a heap of cow dong in front of the middle school after he had received his matura diploma.
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