A New Architecture for EEG Devices Which Serves Us Customers

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

There are many EEG devices on the market, which only differ little from eaach other, and the market for those is small. Are there applications for EEG devices to use those on a daily basis on the long term?

Yes, there are. Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych tested some of those, and threw some of them in the in the trash also:

  • For physiologists, it is a situation which is frustrating. We have reviewed so many EEG devices. But there is one architecture which can convince us on the long-term, an that is:
  • A single low-cost high quality EEG device, as for instance the OpenBCI Cyton, with many interfaces that are working, for instance an interface to OpenBCI GUI, LabStreamingLayer, and MQTT, at a cost which is attractive for costumers, and which can gain a community which is smart and alive.
  • Multiple of these modules could be streamed into an InfluxDB, where the data can be analized, to get as many channels as we want. This requires hardware modifications, as William Croft from OpenBCI explained to us:

A modification which is eventually not interesting for EEG manufacturers, who want to sell us their old and expensive EEG devices, but for us costumers.