Critisism about sports sensor accuracy testers who test sports watches with the chest strap and do not offer numerical and statistical data in high quality scientific journals

Last Updated on February 4, 2023 by

Some of those made statements about the Polar OH1 and the Apple watches about their accuracy. The Polar OH1 was sold by those as very accurate, if not the most accurate sports sensor.

Statements where given that they tested these sensors in co-operation with countless testers, where they found zero deviation after firmware updates of sports watches.

Are these statements helpful for users of sports watches? Do manufacturers offer platforms where we can see accurate sensor data? Do they offer platforms where we can to analyse sensor data and do our own special calculation?

Statements as the mentioned statements make only sense if we we would have these platforms. But we do not know of any platforms which offer these options. If there are any, they do not offer analysis tools for our own special application, which is studying the effect or practicing meditation on physiological parameters with tools as for instance Matlab, Python and InfluxDB.

We miss as well a discussion of sports watch accuracy testers which test sports watches with chest straps about this topic: