Last Updated on January 27, 2023 by
Since several years, we are looking for a product, which we can not find:
a low-cost high-quality EEG devices which is also used by scientist who writes papers in high-quality journals.
Some years ago, Arnaud Delorme was almost there with his LSL example for Muse based on the Muse SDK.
Shortly after that, the Muse SDK was gone. Supporters at Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience adviced to buy other devices than those from Interaxon.
Canadian students can do sandbox games with the Mind Monitor in the Mind Monitor forum. But can they do real science with it? Yes, but is that the highest of all things? And are young students satisfied with sandbox games?
With OpenBCI, we could not find a satisfying connectivity since years, and also not a satisfying community of developers.
If something is not possible for several years, although we believe that it is fundamentally possible, but that maybe someone doesn’t want it, that raises questions.
Are there market collusion, do EEG device manufacturers take advantage from a monopoly position, that there are only view EEG device manufactures, who know each other, who share the market among themselves, which seem to be strongly controlled by those? It is a market that does not play, and you can’t win customers that way, a product must respond to the needs of the customers, and not to those of the manufacturer.
We cannot be convinced by a Mantra, that the Muse and OpenBCI are devices, which can be used for fun and in our spare over the weekend, and for everything which goes beyond this, we need to buy an expensive g.tec medical device.
Robert Oostenveld says, the g.tec medical Unicorn Black is overall cheaper as OpenBCI. We say, but not for Python users. The Unicorn Python API Hybrid Black costs 400,00 € extra.