Last Updated on January 26, 2023 by
Robert Oostenveld reported about problems he had with OpenBCI Cyton on his WordPress site:
He said that he is not complaining about the Cyton: it is not expensive, it is open hardware and source and it is possible with all open information to debug everything. But ror him it felt that he was spending more time trying to debug than doing EEG, hence he moved on to other systems. These where OpenBCI Ganglion and g.tec medical Unicorn Black.
But is there an alternative to OpenBCI as an open source hardware and software platform, except for building up everything new from high-quality components?
We suggest to try it out yourself. You can find many information about how this can be done in this journal. We suggest also to be as independent as possible from anybody, so that we can do as much as possible by ourselves.
But we suggest you to be very careful about information which is not published in a high quality journal, or in a high quality source we can trust, for topics of for instance LSL interfaces for Muse and OpenBCI.