Why did we have to review so long to find solutions for our problems?

Last Updated on January 17, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

  • Whe are not interested in fun projects from BITalino and from OpenBCI, which cannot compete with the solutions presented here, we are only interested in solutions for really serious scientist.
  • Neither BITalino nor OpenBCI offers us a solution for our problems from scratch, their products quickly become obsolete.
  • why did we have to search for a solution to our problem for several years, we will continue updating this site, but as a private project, not for selling projects or receiving a fund.
- many products presented here give the impression like market collusion controlled markets, to try to control something which cannot be controlled
  • there are companies that have been offering solutions for what we are looking for for a long time, but their products cost as much as a small car
- We do not understand Institutes like the institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI), Deakin University, Australia, who spend more than 50 000 USD for a device from g.tec medical

- these devices cost so much because because people are ready to pay so much for design and marketing and and online configurators

- Then the institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI) in Australia uses the 50 000 USD device to publish a Paper in PLOS ONE about the Polar OH1, but no follow up papers appeared, this is really a pity

- successful projects don't come about simply by investing a lot of money in expensive research infrastructure,from which you can withdraw the invested money afterwards

- centers of healthy minds are funded with a hundred people working there, their financiers want their money back

- before interviews with the Dalai Lama and Richard Davidson 15 minutes of advertising is played

- but do the presented products make us happy and promote our well-being?

- You don't have to do so much advertising for really good products, really good products sell themselves by itself.
  • Blocking forums and accounts is useless, google finds everything at another place in the web.
  • if people are willing to spend as much for a research device as they would for a small car
- and make no price comparisons and no reviews about it then it is their own fault

- bitalino and openbci did not help us with this. People who invest in bitalino and openbci want their money back

– these are the product of Rainer Blind, Max Candocia, Milind Desai and Paul van Gent

- we personally would not invest in such products, and are sceptical in reviews that are financed by manufacturers, especially by YouTubers.

- We have found the best solutions with those who have problems similar to ours

- and also from people who enjoy what they do and don't do it to make money out of something from which is not possible to make money out of it.
  • and cause problems because they want to make money from something you can’t make money from, and want something that is not possible.