Last Updated on January 14, 2023 by
According to information we can find on the domain:
and at other places, OpenBCI is low cost high quality modular EEG hardware with a global open source community.
Some parts of OpenBCI ore open, for instance the documentation which can be modified by users
Software is also open source an can be found on GITHUP pages
The OpenBCI forum is not open, but controlled by William croft
If we are interested in lowering costs for EEG devices, we receive complaints from William Croft that this would dilute the business.
If we start a discussion in the OpenBCI forum about a product which is more affordable, than OpenBCI, the thread about it was locked.
If we start a tread about a product which is more affordable than the components wich are currently sold in the OpenBCI store,
If we start a tread which questions the quality of products which are sold by OpenBCI, we risk that our thread title is re-edited
We repeat: the OpenBCI forum is not open, but controlled by William Croft.
OpenBCI products which are sold under the domain are expensive.
We currently do not know of a single product which could not be bought elsewhere than at open bci to a more affordable prize.
If we start discussions as this one in the OpenBCI forum, we risk that our forum account is locket. If you are happy, the account is reopened later on.
Therefore, the OpenBCI forum is not an open forum, but controlled by William Croft, which controls the information which is published there. And we do not know what exactly are the criteria the information is contolled there. These seem unclear to us personally.