What is the relationship between DC Rainmaker and Polar?

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Polar does not have a support forum anymore. But sometimes it feels as if DC Rainmakers blog is the blog where Polar sellers sell polar products.

We asked several questions in the DC Rainmaker blog about a Verity Sense firmware update. DC Rainmaker answered the questions. DC Rainmaker new many details about the Verity Sense, for instance how the Verity Sense firmware update was done. None of these statements where proven, none of these statements where published by Polar.

Suddenly, DC Rainmaker did not want to answer to my questions anymore. He said, we was tired of having to refute my claims.

The discussion with DC Rainmaker was strange. What exactly is the relationship between DC Rainmaker and Polar? Where does he get this information from, and on which path? Does he have a special relationship and a Hotline to someone at Polar?

Then, Swiss poster Eny started posting. Then, his post where deleted in the DC Rainmaker blog. Then, Swiss poster Eny started to entitle my a spammer in Swiss german. We are not spammers. We do not sell any products, and do not have any plans to sell products. But what about Swiss poster Eny?

We do not know of any possibilities to translate Swiss German to English. If Swiss poster Eny would have written, what he has written in Swiss german, we are convinced that his posts would have been deleted for legal reasons.

I translated Swiss poster Enys post to English. Then, Swiss poster Eny claimed, that my translation was wrong.

Is this a discussion which is open and help Polar Verity sense Costumers to find out about the truth?

We asked questions in the DC Rainmaker forum about the Verity Sense firmware update. DC Rainmaker made claims about it, thing which are not proven, which he cannot know.

I did not believe in DC Rainmakers answers. He could not convince me. DC Rainmaker did not wanted to continue the discussion. The answers where as if they where from a Polar Sports sensor seller. Is DC Rainmaker a Polar Sport Sensor Seller?