Why do Rob ter Horst, DC Rainmaker and 5 k runner have girlfriends at Apple, Garmin and Polar?

Last Updated on January 8, 2023 by pg@petergamma.org

Rob ter Horst makes accuracy comparison plots of different watches. He strongly boosts his plots, so that we can see that Apple watches are more accurate than other ones.

Other do not care so much about testing every singe watch, but have numerical and statistical data which are published in a high quality journal, as the group of Dr. Desai at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
The latest Apple watch they tested was Apple watch 3, with an accuracy of 96.

Also DC Rainmaker and 5 k runner and do not have numerical and statistical data. We do not know their latest statements, but the latest statements of those two we know, that they say, that the Polar OH1 and the Verity Sense are very accurate and if not the most accurate sports sensors. They say, even firmware updates which prologues the running time does not change anything, zero deviation tested by countess testers. These are not numerical and statistical data and scientific tests. But with these tests, they have girlfriends at Polar which they compensate by advertising revenues.

The girlfriends at Polar are happy about Ray, since he does not take it as seriously as Rob or Dr Desai. Ray is the most popular tester, which we suppose gets the most money from Polar. Polar is so happy about Ray, that the increase the running duration of the Verity Sense by a firmware update. Ray tests it and does not see a difference. And the girlfriends at Polar are happy with Ray.

Rob ter Horst strongly boosts his plots in the upper range. This let us see, that the Apple watches are the most accurate ones. But we do not know if this increase in accuracy of Apple watches over other watches makes any sense at all, and is needed for our own special application. But the girlfriends at Apple are happy about Rob ter Horst plots, since they increase sales for Apple watches, since they make people believe that Apple watches are the most accurate ones.

But Rob ter Horst has no scientific proof for his observations. He only has tested it on one subject. But Robs girlfriends at Apple do not care about this, we suppose that Rob is compensated the most from Apple since he promotes Apple watches as the most accurate ones.

Rob measures everything. Rob is compensated by number of views. If Rob tests every singe watch, he has many girlfriends at the companies from which he tested devices and shows beautiful videos and plots about these devices.