Last Updated on December 31, 2022 by
Unfortunately, we could not find and instruction how to install Ubuntu deskop on the PinePhone. We can install Ubuntu desktop on a Raspberri Pi CM4 with at least 2 gb ram.
A CM4 with 1 gb Ram can be bought for 50 USD from Digitec Switzerland to install Raspbian on it. Raspbian is touchable, as a demo of ETA Prime with Raspberri Pi Pad 5 shows. But it could eventuallye take up to one year until it is delivered, we suppose because of Corona.
We can buy a CM4 with 2 bg Ram on Aliexpress for 130 USD. But for a Linux phone alternative, we need additionally the Raspberri Pi Pad 5 for 70 USD. This makes a total of 200 USD for this PinePhone alternative which runs Ubuntu Desktop. This about 100 USD less than a PinePhone incl. shipping, which can install the popular UBports distro on it, but we do not know of any word processors in the UBports Open Store which could solve our problem.
Ubuntu desktop was designed for desktops, and we do not know if it works on a 5 inch display of the Raspberri Pi Pad 5. Ubuntu desktop is not touchable, but Rasbian, therefore we choose Raspian if possible for the Raspberri Pi Pad 5.