Comparison of DC Rainmakers Method to Determine the Accuracy of HRM to the Method of iWorx

Last Updated on September 26, 2022 by

DC Rainmaker looks at every single peak in the signal of a HRM during a run (from min 13 in the video):

iWorx looks at every single ECG peak of the heart rate signal:

There is much potential to improve the accuracy of validation methods to study HRMs. Especially if it becomes easier to stream sensor data into an InfluxDB as demonstrated in this example:

and compare it there to other sensor data which are streamed to InfluxDB. The possibilities to analyse sensor data increases enormously in that way.

So many accuracy papers about HRM monitors are written every year. Some of them look like as if they where copied from another paper, without authors which understand the methods they use, and write a paper which is difficult to understand, doubts arise whether the authors themselves understood the papers. They do a lot of work, produce a lot of data, and it is a pity that there are no standardized protocols and no generally accepted highly accurate reference devices, which allows a comparison of the data of the different methods.