Respiration Rate of Garmin Fenix only on the Watch, in CSV files, in Garmin Connect, but not in Strava & Home Assistant?

Last Updated on September 26, 2022 by

Respiration Rate from Garmin Fenix watches can be seen on the watch as a field, is stored in the .fit file, can be synched to Garmin Connect and exported from there as .csv.

These are the options we know since years, which where not helpful to us since years.

With Strava, we can not even find which fields are supported. We only remember a community in which these fields where listed, and respiration rate was not among this fields.

We ask to update it. We searched for almost an hour in the web, but we could not find the information where it was written.

After this search we remember different parameter from Firstbeat which where interersting for us, but it was never possible to get them into a database in an easy way. Therefore we never had it there.

Some of them could only be seen on the watch. Some where somewhere stored hidden in the .fit file.

The respiration rate on Garmin watches get useless for us, if it is not possible to get it to Home Assistant.

We are convinced that the Garmin respiration rate is based on respiratory rate estimation. But it is very inaccurate, also from a chest strap. If it would be possible to stream the data into Home Assistant and calibrate it there with a script, it would be helpful.

Without an option to calibrate it and without an option for a data processing option in Home Assistant we will replace this device as soon as possible.

There is for instance the Yoga protocol which has the respiration field on the Garmin Venu. The Yoga activity can be synched to Strava.

In the Fenix 6 for instance, respiration rate is additionally an activity field, but we don t know whether this activity field is synched to Strava and HA or not.