Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by

To get the respiration rate, whe need R-R peak data. Officially, the Fenix 6 supposts only respiration rate from Garmin chest straps during activities, wrist based respiration rate is sold as a feature which works only at rest. But how is this with super accurate Apple watches, which eventually use Heart Py to remove noise from the HRM signal?

The Fenix 6 respiration rate is terribly inaccurate. It is only accurate around 12 breath per minute, which is the lowest physiological value which is normal, according to our own little experience.

Jukka Happonens Polar Sensor Logger App delivers R-R peak data. J.H. does not know, if the PPG data from his app can also be used for respiratory rate estimation.

According to our own little experience, a Fenix 6 with a Polar OH1 gives correct respiration rate measurement around 12 breath per minute, this works. But a calibration, which is quiet simple by manually counting the breath per minute and correct the data is required.

The Polar Sensor Logger App from Jukka Happonen samples many interesting parameters from Polar Sensors. It has MQTT support. I should be possible to stream it to Home Assistant.

We suppose that we get all the sensor data we need for respiratory rate estimation from a Polar OH1 sensor attached to the Polar Sensor Logger app. We where already able to install an MQTT broker in Home Assistant. Whether it is possible to connect it to the Polar Sensor app to HA, we don t know.

Since years, whe where studying products from Garmin, Firstbeat, THIS IS ANT+. But we where never able to get sensor data from these companies in a way which straightforward. This has changed now with Apple watches.

Finally, what we where looking for since years, is now possible with Apple watches and available from the PANZERBAND INGENIEUR on Youtube:

and whe are very happy about his instruction.

Apple watches also offer respiration rate. But whe do not know, if it is possible to get the respiration rate during an activity. It is possible to get it during sleep:

But we are looking for the respiration rate during breath meditation.