Cómo integrar Strava en Home Assistant

Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by pg@petergamma.org

  • For english speaking persons:
  • Many parameters are supported by Strava. So it is possible to stream sensor data from for instance Garmin watches to Strava
  • Respiration rate is not supported by Apple watches
  • Respiration rate is not supported by Strava, as far as we know, which is a pity
  • Respiration rate can be measured for instance by a Garmin Fenix 6 watch
  • Respiration Rate in Fenix 6 comes from Firstbeat:


  • There is an ANT profile for respiraton:


  • Garmin has also some information about respiration:


– Trainer Road has a long discussion about respiration:


  • We suppose that the Rasperri Pi ANT+ from Reto Roelli can adapted to all parameters supported by the ANT+ protocol:


  • And the Balena Health Rasperri Pi for all sensor supported by the BLE protocol:
  • Respiration Rate is written into the .fit file:

but how to get if from the .fit file into Home Assistant synchronized with the heart rate?

We would like to kindly ask Strava to support respiration rate. All other ways look difficult to get respiration rate into Home Assistant.


The algorithms which calculates the respiratory rate is implemented in watches like the Fenix 6. Rasperri Pi s like Reto Roellins Rasperri ANT+ or Balena Health Rasperri Pi are connected directly to sports sensors. Therefore there is as far as we know no path available which synchronizes the respiration rate from a Garmin watch to a Rasperri Pi.