How to Synchronize Apple Watch Sensor Data to Home Assistant, Store it in InfluxDB & Visualize it with Grafana

Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by

  • An iPhone is required for the ipPhone Health Auto Export App:

  • German language knowledge is required to understand the speaker in the Youtube video of
  • Rest API & MQTT did not work for, but Home Assistant

The iPhone app and the instruction is high quality, at the level of a Matlab instruction which shows how to replace Matlab for sports sensor data streaming applications.

– The graphs are wonderful, what also can be seen by english speaking persons.

– Apple seems to be the winner here over Garmin, Polar & and OpenBCI as far as user access to sensor data in Home Assistant and InfluxDB is concerned.

– The App is not by Apple, but by Lybron Sobers. can also show you how to control IKEA light bulbs in Home Assistant: is a pioneer in bringing the world of Ikea light bulbs and physiolgical sensors together.