The Meditation Research Institute Switzerland (MRIS) needs your help for the further development of Neurokit2 as a data aquisition software for research application

Last Updated on March 16, 2025 by

  • The MRIS is as far as we know the only meditation research institute around the world which is sustainable.
  • The meditation research institute in India:

  • seems to be no longer active.
  • But in spite of this, the MRIS is on a budget, and we usually not code, but we still miss a data acquisition software which is based on Python.
  • Is it not about time for an updated version of NeuroKit2?

  • Is NeuroKit2 currently not only some kind of „BITalino OpenSignals software clone“? What is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.
  • Is it therefore not about time for an updated version of Neurokit 2?
  • Updated with all the sensors which are listed on the more than 5 000 blog posts of
  • Is Matlab not more or less dead?
  • EEGLAB more or less dead?
  • Adinstruments LabChart software for 8000 USD more or less dead?
  • We mean concerning these software platforms more or less dead for developers at the university level on a budget?
  • We repeat: a sofware which is called „Neurokit“ which does not include EEG sensors? Are you joking?

We repeat what we previously said: a software which is called „Neurokit“ which does not include EEG sensors? Is such a software with such a name not a joke? Since “neuro” is about neurons which can be found in the brain. But Neurokit currently does not include sensors to measure signals from the brain. So is it not about time to act?

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