Which are the cheapest frauders among the neuroscientists?

Last Updated on March 13, 2025 by pg@petergamma.org

Is the cheapest frauder among the neuroscientists Thomas Knöpfel?

  • Students in the 1990 er who where interested in the question „how the brain works“ where sent to Dr. med dipl. phys. Thomas Knöpfel at the Brain Research Institute at the University of Zurich.

But then Dr. med. Thomas Knopfel decided against finding out „how the brain works“, and wanted to become a professor instead

  • And did not feel many of his students and and PhD. students around Thomas Knöpfel cheated about him?
  • Thomas Knopfel has now reached his goal, and is now professor in Hongkong, but not in Zurich
  • But what do people who want to know about „how the brain works“ think about Thomas Knopfel?“.
  • Is he no finally adressing the question “how the brain works” in Hongkong before his retirement?
  • What is your opinion about Thomas Knopfel? Write it in the comments below

Or is the cheapest frauder among the neuroscientists Richard Davidson?

  • The Dalai Lama the 14 th asked Richard Davidson to investigate the effect of Tibetan meditation with the latest neuroscientific tools, take it out of the spiritual context and make out of it a secular practice.

But what came out of it? Altered Traits?“

  • With a key statement that 20 min of meditation has an effect on the brain which can be objectively measured in a brain scanner?
  • But so what know? Has not 20 min of daily practice of cleaning the house an effect on the brain which can be objectively measured in a brain scanner as well?

And after 20 years of research of neuroscientist Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org as a private project in his spare time which was no fun came to the conclusion that what matters most in the context are the meditators who trained their brains for 12 years and more as a full-time training.

  • Since these are the teachers a the highest level, whereas the 20 min practitioner are the hobbyists among the mediators.
  • So is Richard Davidson the cheap frauder among the neuroscientists, even cheaper than Thomas Knöpfel?

What is your opinion about these cheap neuroscientists? Write it in the comments below.