Are physiological sensor devices helpful for meditators & teachers?

Last Updated on March 5, 2025 by

Peter Gamma from deals since years with this topic. He have given up OpenBCI now:

And has turned towards InfluxDB:

But is it worth to invest time and money in such devices for meditators and teachers? The best device for this purpose if we look deeply into it are brain scanners:

And Richard R. Davidson and his scientists at the center of healthy minds have investigated this device for this purpose since 20 years. And what has come out of it.

The book Altered Traits:

But has this books an impact for meditators and teachers? Do you know the answer, write it in the comments below.

Zen priest and million heir Vanja Palmers is particularly interested in Psylocibin:

Psylocibin is available in Switzerland at the Psychiatric Hospital in Zurich. So we have the book „Altered Traits“ and Psylocibin from these developments over the last decades. And aren t both of those not mainly products by someone with commercial interests? But do we have a deeper understanding about meditation now, 20 years after the studies of Richard Davidson started?

According to the little experience of Peter Gamma from, there are many people behind these projects with commercial interests. And are these projects really of interest for scientists?

To have a better scientific understanding of meditation, would he not need more subtle scientific studies, and manly focus long-therm practictioners, who practiced as a full-time training for 12 years and more. This is around the time to get an academic degree in Switzerland. But are there scientific studies and teachers at the university level who teach meditation which are guiding stars in Switzerland? What is your opinion about this topic? We mean the opinion of someone else than Diego Hangartner. Since does he not have mainly commercial interests? So all except for Diego Hangartner, what is your opinion about this topic? Write it in the comments below.

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