Last Updated on January 22, 2025 by
Peter Gamma from
invites you to buy the following devices:
A Schiller CS 200 treadmill:
Available in the Dr. Toys store for 22 995 USD
A g.tec medical multi-purpose headset with 32 channels:
Available from g.tec for around 50 000 USD
Alternatively you can buy a 256 EEG channel system from BIOSEMI:
Available from BIOSEMI for around 80 000 USD
If your budget allows, buy additionally a brain scanner:
Estimated costs: around 2 Mio USD.
If we listen to Richard Davidson and Daniel Goleman, do they not only talk about brain scanners in the context of meditation? But are these brain scanners really necessary? And are they really that good? They have been used to do research about meditation mainly during the last 20 years. But are the results of these devices that striking? So that we now can use only brain scanners, and forget about the rest? Forget even about psychotherapists, pharmaceutical drugs and spiritual teachers? Certainly not.
We can build some of these devices by ourselves, if we are skilled enough, and have time for it for the rest of our lifes. And we suppose there are people out there who will do it. And costs for devices will drop. But since the demand for it is limited, this developement will be slow.