Jews & the Holocaust versus Tibetans & their Genozide in Tibet

Last Updated on January 18, 2025 by

Around 18 000 Jews live in Switzerland:

150 years ago, Jews in Switzerland were granted the same rights as the rest of the population. They were allowed to settle wherever they wanted, they were allowed to live, work, pursue their hobbies and practice their faith, in short: wherever they wanted to make their lives their focus. Before that, they were only allowed to settle in two communities in liberal, free Switzerland. Today, things are very different, but not everything is good.

Does this picture not make you think? Does the simple, plain clothing according to religious regulations of the Jews not have something which is interesting? Something which makes the Jews in Zurich superior to the young people on the streets of Zurich who wear Donald Duck masquerade? Young people for which anything goes and anything is allowed?

The Holocaust

was the Nazi genocide of 5.6 to 6.3 million European Jews during World War II, around two-thirds of all European Jews living at the time:

Young people in Switzerland are educated about the Holocaust, and about that this cannot happen again.

But what about what happened with the Tibetans in Tibet?

Around 8 000 Tibetans live live in Switzerland. Most of them are fleeing persecution by the Chinese secret service. Experts from the Tibet Institute, an hour’s drive north of Zurich, estimated the number of around 8 000 Tibetans who live with the Swiss, about half of whom have Swiss citizenship:

But where can we find a discussion about this topic? Is the Tibetan Folklore Ensemble the only information we find next to what we already mentioned when we are looking for it in Switzerland?

The Holocaust has been processed socially in Switzerland, and young people learn about it in school. But they do not learn about what happened in Tibet with the Tibetans.

Why is nobody talking about this topic?

Peter Gamma from

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