Which physiological multi-sensor device to buy in times of InfluxDB?

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

For devices such as Adinstruments channel recorders we suppose that it will be more and more difficult to sell those. For instance this setup: Adinstruments ECG in PowerLab:

Costs for this Adinstruments equipement:

  • Adinstruments PowerLab: estimated 10 – 20 000 USD incl. accessoires.
  • Adinstruments LabChart software: estimated 7000 – 8000 USD
  • The Adinstruments channel recorder shown in the video has 16 channels as OpenBCI.
  • OpenBCI can also compete with the Adinstruments recorders as far as A/D conversion rate is concerned
  • The PowerLab 26 Series provides 16-bit A/D
  • OpenBCI Cyton has 24-bit A/D

If we do not want to build devices for the equipment of research institutes, or only want to build equipment for research institutes such as the Meditation Reserach Institute Switzerland (MRIS) which has not grant for research, OpenBCI is still interesting. But study first the site www.petergamma.org about this topic. For those who are not interested in the Neurosity Crown and OpenBCI Galea, here are some other projects from the Netherlands:

MindAffect brain computer interface AI innovation

MindAffect is specialized in the application of brain computer interface, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to unlock the mysteries of the brain:


Here is an example of MindAffect:

The example in the video of MindAffect is a development based on products from www.openbci.com. We suppose this project shown in the video is based on another project of YouTuber and Python expert sentdex with OpenBCI. It was published some years ago on YouTube using and OpenBCI headset with 16 channles. If we compare the prices of products from www.openbci.com to those of Adinstruments, products from www.openbci.com are a real bargain. And it should not be too difficult to build a device similar to the Adinstruments ECG in PowerLab with for instance OpenBCI modules and HeartPy.

Try to repair OpenBCI modules sold on eBay & Aliexpress

If you think www.openbci.com is expensive and you are ready to have a closer look at the OpenBCI architecture, and if you are using the OpenBCI architecture for a longer period of time, we think it is worth testing if we can repair the OpenBCI modules which are sold on ebay and Aliexpress. As we have discussed on www.petergamma.org, this should work in theory. You can save some money if it works and you have a setup up to 16 channel with WIFI:

To study simple projects based on InfluxDB

As for instance the following:

InfluxDB is still a challenge and takes a lot of time if we want to build something new. But as we have shown in the above link, there are already instructions available which are not so far from instructions from www.openbci.com based on InfluxDB, and these could be follow up projects of those, if the development of ADS1299 projects is limited. And as we can see in the example of Home Assistant, often a mixture of different architectures is used, for instance where the SQL database is used next to InfluxDB, and different architectures are integrated.