Issues with products based on the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments & issues with other products reviewed on

Last Updated on September 28, 2024 by

Peter Gamma from

has written:

  • 1 294 posts about EEG devices
  • 264 posts about the ADS1299 EEG chip
  • 493 posts about OpenBCI

  • We did not find affordable alternatives to products from which have no issues.
  • Several papers with 32 channel EEG device based on the ADS1299 where written
  • But hardly any manufacturer seems to take these devices over.
  • To be precisely, we do not know of any.
  • To build such 32 channel EEG devices based on the ADS1299 seems to be difficult.
  • We find hardly any new developments based on the ADS1299 which have no issues and would be interesting for us personally.

We intite you to choose other products than the ADS1299 EEG chip from Texas Instruments as soon as possible, for instance based on InfluxDB:

The ADS1299 EEG chip is a complicated:

  • We only know of a firmware for the Arduino which works with it and is implemented with products from

InfluxDB is a complicated software

  • But InfluxDB does not have the limitations the ADS1299 EEG chip has.
  • We invite you to inform you in a university library about InfluxDB and developements at the university level:

  • There you find information which can eventually not be found with google search.
  • and to avoid YouTube as much as possible

Since we experienced that sellers try to sell products which have issues on YouTube.

  • In recent years several papers where written based on products with the ADS1299 from Texas Instruments from authors in Indonesia, China, Russia and South America.
  • These papers seems as if they where written especially for Peter Gamma from
  • But we do not know of papers of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich about products based on the ADS1299.
  • And also several products came onto the market which seemed as if they where especially designed for Peter Gamma from, such as PiEEG, HackEEG and BEATS.
  • Community managers from Poland for the Pinephone
  • Greentek Gelfree s3 EEG cap reviewer Krisztián Hofstädter in the forum:

Here with a demonstration how music affects our brainwaves:

And Greentek Gelfree S3 EEG cap expert Krisztián Hofstädter on

  • Hofstädter, has a PhD. in Music now, and his website changed completely:

  • Here the impressive .cv of the academic Greentek Gelfree S3 EEG cap adviser:

  • Krisztian Hofstadter is member of the OpenBCI community since 2013:

Krisztián Hofstädter’s subdomain archives his doctoral research titled ‘Developing a Brain-Computer Music Interface for Meditation

thesis of Krisztián Hofstädter:
posted on 2023-08-30, 22:22

  • Krisztián Hofstädter has a new look now on

  • The Greentek S3 EEG cap was then sold by mBrainTrain on TV in Serbia.
  • PiEEG developer from South Ural who work on the developement of PiEEG
  • But we do not know of ADS1299 products which are used by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
  • The situation might be different with physiological sensors and InfluxDB.

We experienced that sellers try to sell products which have issues on YouTube.

Products such as the Pinephone and products based on the ADS1299 took us a lot of time to review. But are these not products which have been given up by developers at the highest level? And seller try now to sell those products on YouTube and in the web? And it takes a lot of time to reject products which where eventually before rejected by product developers at the highest level.