Home Assistant runs on the Orange Pi zero 3

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by pg@petergamma.org

Home Assistant is not yet available on the Orange Pi 5:

But for the Orange Pi zero 3. Here is a complete Guide: Installing Home Assistant Supervised on Orange Pi Zero 3:

We have also a long version for it:

And Home Assistant can be installed on the Orange 3B:


Peter Gamma from www.petergamma.org is looking for alternatives to Raspberry Pi single board computers for his projects since Corona. One important component of his projects is Home Assistant. Home Assistant is a multi-sensor platform based on InfluxDB which can also be used for smartwatches. And if Home Assistant runs on a platform, we suppose that also physiological multi-sensor software platforms run on it. Home Assistant on Orange Pi SBCs seem not yet to have a large community. But it is an alternative to Home Assistant on Raspberry Pis, next to Home Assistant on Odroid SBCs.